Tue, 23 July 2019
Guest speaker Rob Vaughan talks about the heat, air conditioning, and how it is related to prayer, based on the scripture from Matthew 6:5-15. There are short music interludes in between segments.
Direct download: 20190721_Rob_Vaughan_How_Not_to_Pray.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:02am EST |
Tue, 16 July 2019
Guest preacher, Elder Le Quan Turner, spoke about what it means to be a good neighbor to all, based on the Good Samaritan Parable in Luke 10:25-37.
Direct download: 20190714_Le_Quan_Turner_I_am_Your_Neighbor.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:53am EST |
Wed, 10 July 2019
Guest preacher, Rev. Nancy Neal, preaches on Amos 5:23-24, letting justice roll down like waters. Nancy is the director of church relations at Bread for the World and has been a leader in the organization's efforts toward racial equality.
Direct download: 20190707_Nancy_Neal_Let_Justice_Roll.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:11pm EST |
Tue, 2 July 2019
Pastor Judith concludes her Acts sermons series with Acts 27:13-44 on the shipwreck with Paul and how it speaks to not being afraid of change or discernment for God has been this way before.
Direct download: 20190630_JFE_How_to_Lose_a_Ship_in_15_Days.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:30pm EST |