Trinity Talks

The Racial Justice Group led the worship service this Sunday. The scriptures wer Isaiah 58:6-12; Revelation 21:1-7; Luke 10:25-7.  The sermon was given through three personal though provoking perspectives of Mary McClelland (growing up with segregation), Magda Rolfes (how we can do better to fight racism) , and Merrit Gillard (white supremacy's subtle permutations). 

Direct download: 20191124_Racial_Justice_Group_Loving_Our_Neighbor.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:46pm EDT

Ever wonder where the line is between normal anxiety and anxiety that’s a problem? Dan Campbell LCSW and Rich Long, Ed.D., Trinity Mental Health Wellness Team members, talk about anxiety – especially how it touches adults and parents -for a 40-minute podcast.   They answer questions raised after the screening of the documentary, “Angst,” including ideas on how to cope with anxiety and when to seek assistance.  This is one in a series on the topic but is “free-standing” as one may listen in any order.  

Direct download: mental_health_-_angst_2_-_11_25_19.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:34am EDT

On Commitment Sunday, Pastor Judith talks about tithing, living the Jesus way of life and building your life on a strong foundation.  

Direct download: 20191117_JFE_Gratitude_and_a_Theology_of_Abundance.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:24am EDT

Pastor Judith preaches on Sirach 11:14, Luke 12:13-21, Matthew 6:19-21.  She addresses 6 possible reasons why God called the landowner's response with the bumper crop "foolish."  What do we do with the gifts God gave us? 

Direct download: 20191110_JFE_Gratitude_and_Trust.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm EDT

Pastor Judith and Ben sit down and talk about reading the Bible and how she doesn't get bored preaching even after all these years.

Direct download: Trinity_Talks_-_Why_Judith_doesnt_get_bored_preaching..m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45am EDT

Pastor Judith preaches on two apocryphal readings: 2 Esdras 6:42-44; Sirach 11:1-6; and New Testament Readings: Ephesian 1:17-23; and Matthew 6:25-34.  She talks about how do we live out the kingdom of God while bombarded with messages that provoke our anxiety?  Note: The podcast concludes with a surprise postlude that was not even listed in the bulletin but had joyfully clapping.

Direct download: 20191103_JF_Gratitude_and_Humility.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:52pm EDT