Trinity Talks
TPC Sermon 2016-04-10: The Way of Transformation

April 10, 2016 - Pastor Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt - Welcome, Scriptures (Acts 9:1-21, John 21:1-19), Sermon "The Way of Transformation", Charge and Benediction, Close. 

Direct download: Sermon_2016-4-10_The_Way_of_Transformation.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 3:47pm EDT

TPC Sermon 2016-04-03: The Way of Trust

April 3, 2016 - Pastor Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt - Welcome, Scriptures (Acts 5:27-32; John 20:19-31), Sermon "The Way of Trust", Close. 

Direct download: Sermon_2016-4-3_The_Way_of_Trust.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:32pm EDT