Trinity Talks (Weekly Sermon)

Welcome, Scriptures, (1 John 1:1-9; Micah 7:18-19; Colossians 3:12-13), Sermon, Close

Direct download: TPC_Sermon_20240630_Etch_a_Sketch_and_the_God_of_Forgiveness.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:06pm EST

Welcome, Scriptures (Hebrew 12:13; Philippians 3:13-14), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20240622_Chutes_and_Ladders_Luke_Bultena.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:51pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Genesis 1:1-31,  Jeremiah 18:1-4), Sermon, Close

Direct download: 20240602_TPC_Sermons_2024_JFE_The_Joy_of_Creation.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 4:32pm EST

Welcome, Scriptures (Acts 1:1-11; John 17:6-19), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20240512_Left_Behind_JFE_.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:24pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Matthew 18:15-22), Sermon (song lyrics are in your bulletin in the enews), Close

Direct download: 20240505_With_You_Always_Charles_HambrickStowe.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

Welcome, Scripture Psalm 23,  1 John 3:16-24, John 10:11-18) , Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 20240421_JFE_The_Good_Shepherd.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 4:39pm EST

Welcome, Scriptures (1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12)  Semon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20231105_Ben_All_Saints.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

Welcome, Scripture( Matthew 26:17-30), Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 20230507_Ben_Stewart_Juice_and_Bread.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

Welcome, Reading (Jeremiah 31:31-34; 2 Timothy 4:1-5; Luke 18:1-8), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20221016_JFE_First_Things_Persistent_Pursuit_of_Justice.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:35pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7), Sermon, Close

Direct download: 20221009_JFE_First_Things_Grateful_Living.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (part of the children's message Luke 17:5-6) (2 Timothy 1:1-14), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20221002_JFE_First_Things_A_Spiritual_Legacy.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 104: 1, 14-24,  Luke 15:1-10, Psalm 14;  1 Timothy 1:12–17 ) Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 20220911_JFE_First_Things_Seeking_God_Rally_day.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

Welcome, scripture (Psalm 81:1, 10-16; Hebrews 13:1–8, 15–16Luke 14:1, 7–14 ), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20220828_JFE_Radical_Hospitality.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

Welcome, Readings (Jeremiah 1:4-10, Hebrews 12:18-29, Psalm 71:1-6, Luke 13:10-17), Sermon, Benediction, Closing

Direct download: 20220821_Luke_Bultena_Who_is_God.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:24pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 107:1-9, 43; Colossians 3:1-11; Hosea 11:1-11), Sermon, Close.

Direct download: 20220731_Luke_Bultena_Who_We_Are_Who_God_Is.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:30am EST

Welcome, Scriptures: Psalm 25:4-10, Colossians 1:7-12; Luke 10:25-37, Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 20220710_Bill_Davnie_From_What_to_Who_to_How.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

Welcome, Reading (Psalm 42, 1 Kings19:1-15; luke 8:26-39), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20220619_JFE__Cutting_Through_the_Noise.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:31pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 97:6-12; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, Act 1:1-14) Sermon, Benediction

Welcome, Reading (Psalm67, John 14:23-29; Acts 16:9-15), Sermon, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 20220522_JFE_River_of_Mercy_Ministry_in_and_With_the_World.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:40pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 148:1-13; Revelaion 21:1-6; Acts 11:1-8), Sermon, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 20220515_JFE_Indescribable_Uncontainable_God.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

Welcome, Scripture: Psalm 23, John 10:22-30; Acts 9:36-43, Sermon, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 20220508_JFE_Life-Giving_Community.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:36pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 30; John 21:1-19), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20220501_Blair_Moorhead_-_Three_Dimensional_Love.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:13am EST

Welcome, Scripture (Revelation 1:4-8; Acts 5:27-32; John 20:19-31), Sermon, Close

Direct download: 20220424_Bill_Davnie_Preaching_to_the_Choir.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:06am EST

Welcome, Reading (John 20:1-18; Acts 10:34-43), Sermon, Prayer, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 20220424_JFE_Community_of_Resurrection_Joy.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Luke 19:28-40, Luke 22:14-34), Sermon, Benediction, Close 

Direct download: 20220410_JFE_The_Triumphant_The_Crucified.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 26, Isaiah 43:16-21; John 12:1-8), Sermon, Close

Direct download: 20220403_JFE_Community_of_Grace_and_Mutual_Ministry.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:47pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 32, Luke 15:1-3, 11-32), Sermon, Close
Direct download: 20220327_JFE_Community_of_Welcoming_Grace.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

Welcome, Psalm 63:1-8; Isaiah 55:1-9; Luke 13:1-9, Sermon, Benediction Close
Direct download: 20220320_JFE_Gods_Open_Invitation.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Welcome, Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Luke 4:1-13, Sermon, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 20220306_JFE_Gratitude_Even_in_the_Wilderness.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

Welcome, Reading (Psalm 99:1,5,9  Luke 9:28-43a, Exodus 34:29-35) Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20220227_JFE_Community_of_Holy_Mystery.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Welcome, Reading Psalm 37:1-11,39-40; Luke 6:27-38, Sermon, Benediction

Direct download: 20220220_Ben_Stewart_Patience.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 1;  Jeremiah 17:5-10; Luke 6:17-26;), Sermon, Close


Direct download: 20220213_JFE_Communitiy_of_generosity_love_life_and_compasison.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 3:14pm EST

Welcome, Scriptures (Psalm 138, Luke 5:1-11) Sermon, Benediction

Direct download: 20220206_JFE_Community_of_Inclusive_Belonging.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Welcome, Scripture ( Psalm 71:1-5;  1 Corinthians 13:1-13  Luke 4:21-30 ) Sermon, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 20220130_JFE_Community_of_Comfort_and_Discomfort.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:35am EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 19:1-4a, 7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21), Sermon, Benediction, Close
Direct download: 22020123_JFE_Community_of_Release_Recovery__Freedom.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

Welcome, Scripture, Psalm 36:5-10 ,  John 2:1–11;   1 Corinthians 12:1–11 , Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20220116_JFE_Community_of_Celebration_and_Joy.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:25pm EST

Welcome, Scripture  Isaiah 43:1–7, Luke 3:15–17, 21–22, Acts 8:14–17, Sermon, Benediction , Close

Direct download: 20220109_JFE__Renewal_of_Baptism.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 3:10pm EST

Welcome, Readings (Wisdom of Solomon 10:15-21;  Sirach 24:2-12;    John 1:1-5, 9-14, 18), Sermon, Benediction, Close

Direct download: 20220102_Bill_Davnie_-_Its_the_Incarnation.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:02pm EST

Welcome, Micah 5:2-5a,  Luke 1:39-55, Sermon, Close        

Direct download: 20211219_JFE_Promise_of_Change.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

Welcome, Scripture: Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 1:68-79;  Luke 3:1-6, Sermon, Close    

Direct download: 20211205_JFE_Messengers_of_Change.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Philippians 4:4-9; Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Colossian 1:11-13), Sermon, Close

Direct download: 2021-11-21_JFE_The_Practice_of_Thanksgiving.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:34pm EST

Welcome, Scripture: Proverbs 11:28; 22:4,9; 21:5, 20; Luke 19:1-10; Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 2021-10-31_JFE_The_Soul_of_Money_Wisdom_and_Wealth.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:18pm EST

Guest Preacher: Rev. Bill Davnie.

Welcome, Scripture Psalm 134:1-8; Job 38:1-7, 42:1-9; Sermon, Close

Direct download: 2021-10-24_Bill_Davnie_Simple_Humans_Complex_God.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

Welcome. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Mark 10:35-52, Sermon: A Time to Speak, A Time to be Silent, Closing

Direct download: 2021-1017_A_Time_to_be_Silent_a_Time_to_Speak.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:01pm EST

Welcome; Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Mark 10:2-16, Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 2021-1003_JFE_As_a_Child.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:47pm EST

Welcome, Scripture: James 3:13-4:3, 7-8; Mark 9:30-37, Sermon, Closing

Direct download: 2021-919_JFE_Greatness_Redefined.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:11pm EST

Welcome, Psalm 19, James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38; Sermon; Closing

Direct download: 2021-905_JFE_The_Importance_of_Words.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

Welcome, Psalm 130, Ephesians 4:25-5:2, Sermon, Close

Direct download: 20210808_JFE_A_Fragrant_Offering.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

Welcome,  Scripture: Mark 6:1–13; 2 Corinthians 12:2–10;  2 Samuel 5:1–5, 9–10 ; Sermon: Resilient Leadership; Benediction; Close

Direct download: 20210711_JFE_Resilient_Leadership.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:26pm EST

June, 27, 2021 Pastor Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt- Welcome, Welcome to our first inside worship, Mark 5: 21-43; 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Sermon; Close.  There is a short music interlude at the beginning and end.

Direct download: 20210627_JFE_Compassionate_Leadership.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:04pm EST

Pastor Judith preaches on Exodus 24:12-18, Psalm 97:1-5, and Matthew 17:1-9. On Transfiguration Sunday she talks about being infinitely alive from mountaintop experiences.

Direct download: 20200223_JFE_God_of_Awe_and_Glory.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:28pm EST

Guest preacher Rev. John Molina-Moore, the National Capital Presbyter, visited Trinity this Sunday with a message of mission and the different ways to connect and be a missional church.  The scripture was from Exodus 3:7-12 and John 20:20-23

Direct download: 20200126_John_Molina_Moore_The_Missional_Church.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:01am EST

Pastor Judith preaches on Isaiah 42:1-9, Pslam 29, and Matthew 3:13-17. She speaks about the baptism of Jesus and relates it to natural disasters.  Asking where is God in your life?  When are you bathed in God's love and light?

Direct download: 20200112_JFE_The_Voice_of_God_Over_the_Waters.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

Pastor Judith preaches on Jeremiah 31:7-14 and Matthew 2:1-23 on Epiphany.  She concludes that our God is a God who can walk with us through an imperfect world.

Direct download: 20200105_JFE_Holy_Family_Holy_Refugee.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:52pm EST

On the Fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Judith explores how Mary and Joseph dealt with their family problems of the time.  Her words remind us that God is with us always, he is not waiting for a better version of us, but is here right now.  Scriptures:  Colossians 1:15-23;  Ephesians 1:3-4, 8-10;   Matthew 1:18-25

Direct download: 20191222_JFE_Jesus_the_Compassion_of_God.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

On the second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Judith explores Advent and the time of holy longing, when we look at improbable dreams, like the lion and the lamb, and wonder if they might one day come ture.  The lectionary readings are: of Isaiah 11:1-10;  Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 ;  Genesis 1:26-30 ; Matthew 3:1-12.  

Direct download: 20191208_JFE_Gods_Dream_of_Creation.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

The Racial Justice Group led the worship service this Sunday. The scriptures wer Isaiah 58:6-12; Revelation 21:1-7; Luke 10:25-7.  The sermon was given through three personal though provoking perspectives of Mary McClelland (growing up with segregation), Magda Rolfes (how we can do better to fight racism) , and Merrit Gillard (white supremacy's subtle permutations). 

Direct download: 20191124_Racial_Justice_Group_Loving_Our_Neighbor.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:46pm EST

On Commitment Sunday, Pastor Judith talks about tithing, living the Jesus way of life and building your life on a strong foundation.  

Direct download: 20191117_JFE_Gratitude_and_a_Theology_of_Abundance.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:24am EST

Pastor Judith preaches on two apocryphal readings: 2 Esdras 6:42-44; Sirach 11:1-6; and New Testament Readings: Ephesian 1:17-23; and Matthew 6:25-34.  She talks about how do we live out the kingdom of God while bombarded with messages that provoke our anxiety?  Note: The podcast concludes with a surprise postlude that was not even listed in the bulletin but had joyfully clapping.

Direct download: 20191103_JF_Gratitude_and_Humility.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Guest preacher, The Rev. Dr. Beth Ford Friend, speaks on Jeremiah 31:27-34, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, and Luke 18:1-8.  She talks about how we are transformed through prayer in ways we may not even realize and encourages us to keep praying.  "Who understands faithful action and persistence better than God?"

Direct download: 20191020_Beth_Ford_Friend_Transforming_Prayer.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Pastor Judith preaches on Sirach 42:15, 43:23-33 and Ephesian 4:1-6 and explores how God is high and holy but also near.  She cites Mary Oliver's quote "Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell About it." to encourage us to be aware of the world around us.  

Direct download: 2019106_JFE_God_is_the_All.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:46pm EST

Pastor Judith preaches on the text from Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15, Isaiah 39:1-8a, and 1 Timothy 6:6-12, 17-19.  She explores the theme of the year in light of the recent environmental protests and the value of life that looks beyond just our own time.

Direct download: 20190929_JFE_Life_that_is_Really_Life.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Ben Stewart preaches on the polarization of our world in light of the text from Jonah 4:1-3. Ben's sermon reminds us of the power of love and prayer, which is healing for us as well as those we pray for.

Direct download: 20190922_Ben_Stewart_Polarizing.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

Pastor Judith discusses text from Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28;           Psalm 14; and   Romans 8:18-23 in light of the world's health and the hope that one person can make a change.


Direct download: 20190915_JFE_Creation_Groaning.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

Pastor Judith introduces the theme of the year "Creation," with a preview of the thought provoking questions about creation that she will be addressing.  The scripture reading is from Genesis 1:1-2:2.

Direct download: 20190908_JFE_Gods_Good_Creation.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

Pastor Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt preaches on the text from Luke 14:1. 7-14 and relates modern day challenges of concert and cafeteria seating to the Jesus parable of taking the humblest seat and inviting those that we expect nothing from rather than expecting a reciprocal invitation.

Direct download: 20190901_JFE_We_Belong_to_One_Another.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

Dir. of Spiritual Formation, Ben Stewart, preaches on Luke 13:10-17 and Exodus 20:8-11.  He discusses the Sabbath, Jesus healing on the Sabbath, and what it means in our world today.

Direct download: 20190825_Ben_Stewart_Sabbath.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jim Atwood preaches on Genesis 1: 27-31 and how people have misused the theological doctrine of being born in the image of God and how instead it can be interpreted to use it for love, justice, compassion of God for our planet and for each other.

Direct download: 20190818_Atwood_Resembling_God_and_Taking_Dominion.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

Guest speak Rev. Nancy Neal, from Bread for the World, preaches on the text from Luke 9:10-17 Jesus feeding the 5000.  She challenges us to consider how God is with us to make transformative changes in the world today.  There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: 20190811_Nancy_Neal_Give_them_Something_to_Eat.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:48am EST

Guest speaker Elder Le Quan Turner examines the parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) in light of the current environment and asks what is your desire.  Does it put you or God first?  There is a short music interlude between sections.

Direct download: 20190804_Le_Quan_Turner_What_is_Your_Desire.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:43am EST

Guest preacher Rob Vaughan continues his two part sermon series on How to Pray.  Rob examines the Lord's Prayer and the scripture from Luke: 11:1-13.  There is small music interlude between sections.

Direct download: 20190728_Rob_Vaughan_How_to_Pray.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:35am EST

Guest speaker Rob Vaughan talks about the heat, air conditioning, and how it is related to prayer, based on the scripture from Matthew 6:5-15. There are short music interludes in between segments.

Direct download: 20190721_Rob_Vaughan_How_Not_to_Pray.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:02am EST

Guest preacher, Elder Le Quan Turner, spoke about what it means to be a good neighbor to all, based on the Good Samaritan Parable in Luke 10:25-37.

Direct download: 20190714_Le_Quan_Turner_I_am_Your_Neighbor.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:53am EST

Guest preacher, Rev. Nancy Neal, preaches on Amos 5:23-24, letting justice roll down like waters. Nancy is the director of church relations at Bread for the World and has been a leader in the organization's efforts toward racial equality.

Direct download: 20190707_Nancy_Neal_Let_Justice_Roll.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:11pm EST

Pastor Judith concludes her Acts sermons series with Acts 27:13-44 on the shipwreck with Paul and how it speaks to not being afraid of change or discernment for God has been this way before.

Direct download: 20190630_JFE_How_to_Lose_a_Ship_in_15_Days.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

Judith preaches about Paul and Silas from Acts 16:16-34 and explores spiritual freedom--a liberation of the soul that frees us from these sorts of things that hold our hearts and minds in bondage, a freedom  that allows us to live more fully into who have been created and redeemed to be as followers of Jesus, a soul freedom that can be present even in those who do not enjoy political liberty and may even be quite literally enslaved or imprisoned.

Direct download: 20190623_JFE_-_Liberating_Love_and_Narrow_Escapes.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:45pm EST

Judith preaches on Acts 2:1-21 through the lens of Trinity's history for this special 75th anniversary celebration worship.  

Direct download: 20190609_-JFE_-_Dreams_and_Visions.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

On the Sunday of confirmation and gradate recognition, Judith preaches on the blessing, sending, invitation, and promise of Jesus kind of prayer found in Acts 2:42-47.  Due to a full service with communion and confirmation, this podcast sermon is an excerpt.  To read her full sermon, please go to the website

Direct download: 20190602_JFE_Acts_Community_of_Love_and_Sharing.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

Judith preaches about both sides of Saul's conversion to Paul.  "People can do great harm, sometimes when they are trying to do good, which means we have to check our own responses when someone disagrees with us."  Scripture reading: Acts 9:1-20 including a dramatic reading.

Direct download: 20190519_JFE_Chosen_Instrument_Paul.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:50pm EST

Scriptures (Acts 5:27-32; Acts 7:54-8:3) and Judith's sermon which explores the Biblical message and historical reality, both good and bad, of people following human authority over God's authority.  

Direct download: 20190428_JFE_God_and_Human_Authority.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:59am EST

The scriptures from Easter (Acts 10:34-43 and Luke 24:1-12) and sermon.  The music interludes are from the choir, Trinity brass, and organ.

Direct download: 20190421_JFE_-_I_Come_to_the_Garden_-Easter.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:21pm EST

Ben Stewart gives a sermon on God's Reckless love and what it might look like.  Scriptures:  Philippians 3:4b-14  and   John 12:1-8.



Direct download: 20190407_Ben_Stewart_Reckless_Love.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

A special worship service invites us to enter into the story of Holy Week through a series of story-tellers about the Passion of Christ.  Judith's sermon then explores the question of "Why" of Christ's crucifixion. The liturgy is in storytelling format, but is based on Luke.

Direct download: 20190414_JFE_Why.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:56am EST

Judith relates the poetry of the prophet Isaiah (55: 1-2, 6-13) to the longing for meaning in our lives.  The music clips are from choir's presentation of  the Nidaros Jazz Mass.  

Direct download: 20190324_JFE_Beloved_Community_Community_of_Love_Longer_Tables.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 9:31am EST

Judith's sermon talks about God as the Mother Hen protecting her brood, the need for prayer, and a sharing of our prayers.  Scripture: Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35. 

Direct download: 20190317_JFE_The_Beloved_Community_Community_of_Faith_Trust.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

The Trinity Youth conducted the entire service. The podcast includes: prayer, scripture (Luke 4:1-12), sermons on being tempted from Youth Seniors Jeff M. and Caroline M., and a benediction.

Direct download: 20190310_Youth_Caroline_Jeff_Youth_Sunday.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:45am EST

Welcome. Scripture (Exodus 34:29-35; Luke 9:29-36). Sermon. Benediction. There is a short musical transition between each segment.

Direct download: 20190303_JFE_The_Face_of_Holiness.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:58am EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 37:1-11; 39-40, Luke 6:27-38), Sermon, Benediction, Closing.  There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: 20190217_JFE_Trust_in_the_Lord_and_Do_Good.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Jeremiah 17:5-10, Psalm 1, Luke 6:17-26), Sermon, Benediction, Closing. There is a short musical transition between sections.

Direct download: 20190217_JFE_Firmly__Planted.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11), Sermon, Benediction, Closing.  There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: 20190210_JFE_-_Deep_Water.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:10pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (  I Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30), Sermon, Benediction, Closing. There is a short music transition between the segments.

Direct download: 20190203_JFE_-_The_Greatest_is_Love.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:05am EST

Welcome, Scripture, Sermon, Benediction, Closing. There is a short music transition between the segments.

Direct download: 20190127_JFE_-_LIfe_in_the_Body.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:38pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Psalm 36:5-10; John 1:1-18; Revelation 5), Sermon, Benediction.  Each segment is separated by a short music transition.

Direct download: 20190120_Paul_Mannes_-_Surrounded_by_the_Word.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:13am EST

Welcome, Lectionary Reading (Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12), Sermon, Benediction.  There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: 20190106_JFE_Gods_Eternal_Purpose.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

Welcome, Lectionary (John 1:1-14; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:19-21), Sermon, Benediction. There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: Sermon_20181230_JFE_Immanuel_God_is_With_Us.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

Welcome, scripture (Malachi 3:1-4; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6), sermon, prayer, benediction, Close.  There is a short music transition between each segment.



Direct download: 20181209_JFE_Praying_for_Righteousness.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

Welcome, Lectionary reading (Jeremiah 33:14-16; Luke 21:25-36; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13), sermon, benediction, Close.  There is a short music transition between each segment.

Direct download: 20181202_JFE_-_Praying_for_Strength.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

Welcome, Scripture Reading (Psalm 93, John 18:33-37), Sermon, Charge and Benediction, Close.  There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: 20181125_Ben_Stewart-Christ_the_King.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

Welcome, Scripture (Luke 12:13-21;  Matthew 6:25-34), Sermon, Closing.  There is a short music transition between the segments.

Direct download: 2018118_JFE_Lets_Not_Call_it_Shakedown_Sunday.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:36am EST

Welcome, Veteran's Day Remembrance, Scripture (Mark 12:38-44; Matthew 6:19-21), Sermon, Benediction, Closing.  There are short music transitions between the segments.

Direct download: 20181111_JFE_-_Freakonomics_and_Faith.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:53am EST