Tue, 30 April 2019
Scriptures (Acts 5:27-32; Acts 7:54-8:3) and Judith's sermon which explores the Biblical message and historical reality, both good and bad, of people following human authority over God's authority.
Direct download: 20190428_JFE_God_and_Human_Authority.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:59am EST |
Wed, 24 April 2019
The scriptures from Easter (Acts 10:34-43 and Luke 24:1-12) and sermon. The music interludes are from the choir, Trinity brass, and organ.
Direct download: 20190421_JFE_-_I_Come_to_the_Garden_-Easter.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 12:21pm EST |
Fri, 19 April 2019
Depression is surprisingly common. Many of us wonder if it something we have, or have had. Are there different degrees of depression? Are there different ways to treat it? In this forty minute presentation, Dan Campbell and Rich Long discus what depression is and the options for treating it. They talk about what has changed in treatment and how medication, therapy, and lifestyle can work together to reduce the impact of this disease. Additionally, they give information on what to do if you or someone you know is considering suicide. |
Wed, 17 April 2019
Ben Stewart gives a sermon on God's Reckless love and what it might look like. Scriptures: Philippians 3:4b-14 and John 12:1-8.
Direct download: 20190407_Ben_Stewart_Reckless_Love.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:36pm EST |
Wed, 17 April 2019
A special worship service invites us to enter into the story of Holy Week through a series of story-tellers about the Passion of Christ. Judith's sermon then explores the question of "Why" of Christ's crucifixion. The liturgy is in storytelling format, but is based on Luke. |
Wed, 10 April 2019
Pastor Judith and Ben talk about what is going on at Trinity during Holy Week.
Direct download: trinity_talks_-_Holy_Week_-_3_27_19.m4a
Category:Trinity Talks -- posted at: 11:48am EST |
Wed, 3 April 2019
March 31, 2019: Scriptures (2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-32) and sermon from Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt
Direct download: 20190331_JFE_The_Beloved_Community_Community_of_Witness.mp3
Category:Trinity Talks -- posted at: 1:25pm EST |