Trinity Talks
TPC Sermon 2014-08-17: In The Beginning Stories-Jacob's Sons

August 17, 2014 - Pastor Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt - Welcome, Scriptures (Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28), Sermon "In The Beginning Stories-Jacob's Sons", Charge and Benediction, Close. 

Direct download: 2014-08-17_JFE_-_In_The_Beginning_Stories-_Jacobs_Sons.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

TPC Sermon 2014-07-27: In The Beginning Stories-Jacob and Laban

July 27, 2014 - Pastor Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt - Welcome, Scripture (Genesis 29: 15-29), Sermon, Charge and Benediction, Close. 

Direct download: Sermon_2014-07-27_In_The_Beginning_Stories_-_Jacob_and_Laban.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

TPC Sermon 2014-08-03: In The Beginning Stories-Jacob Wrestles

August 3, 2014 - Rev. Aaron Fulp-Eickstaedt - Welcome, Scriptures (Genesis 32:22-32), Sermon "In The Beginning Stories: Jacob Wrestles", Charge and Benediction, Closing

Direct download: Sermon_2014-08-03_In_The_Beginning_Stories_-_Jacob_Wrestles.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 2:01pm EST