Trinity Talks

Dir. of Spiritual Formation, Ben Stewart, preaches on Luke 13:10-17 and Exodus 20:8-11.  He discusses the Sabbath, Jesus healing on the Sabbath, and what it means in our world today.

Direct download: 20190825_Ben_Stewart_Sabbath.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jim Atwood preaches on Genesis 1: 27-31 and how people have misused the theological doctrine of being born in the image of God and how instead it can be interpreted to use it for love, justice, compassion of God for our planet and for each other.

Direct download: 20190818_Atwood_Resembling_God_and_Taking_Dominion.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

Guest speak Rev. Nancy Neal, from Bread for the World, preaches on the text from Luke 9:10-17 Jesus feeding the 5000.  She challenges us to consider how God is with us to make transformative changes in the world today.  There is a short music transition between segments.

Direct download: 20190811_Nancy_Neal_Give_them_Something_to_Eat.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 11:48am EST

Guest speaker Elder Le Quan Turner examines the parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) in light of the current environment and asks what is your desire.  Does it put you or God first?  There is a short music interlude between sections.

Direct download: 20190804_Le_Quan_Turner_What_is_Your_Desire.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:43am EST

Guest preacher Rob Vaughan continues his two part sermon series on How to Pray.  Rob examines the Lord's Prayer and the scripture from Luke: 11:1-13.  There is small music interlude between sections.

Direct download: 20190728_Rob_Vaughan_How_to_Pray.mp3
Category:Weekly Sermon -- posted at: 10:35am EST

Some Trinity college students sit down with Ben, to talk about their experience of High School and College.

Direct download: Slightly_off_topic_college_chat.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am EST